Philippians 3:12-14

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Monday, February 28, 2011

David Crowder*Band: Church Music

With the title of Church Music, I was expecting something different--something like Indelible Grace's updating of older hymns. And while the first song, Phos Hilaron, is from the 4th century, the David Crowder*Band isn't so much interested in updating the old, but making something totally new.

These songs are all about meeting with God. That's the church part--at least what church is suppose to be. That opening 4th century song (translated Hail Gladdening Light) is the invocation to bring God near:

Hail gladdening light/ Of Your pure glory poured/ Who is the immortal Father/ Heavenly blesses/ Oh holiest of holies/ Jesus Christ our Lord.

There are songs that welcome His nearness:

Like springtime to winter's hush/ Like laughter to solemness/ Like a sun rising up/ You come, You come to us --Alleluia Sing

And some that long for His nearness:

Send me a sign, a hint, a whisper/ Throw me a line 'cause I'm listening/ Come break the quiet/ Breathe Your awakening/ Bring me to life 'cause I am fading--SMS [Shine]

Can I lie here in Your arms/ Can I lie here in Your arms/ My only calm is You/ Save me/ Oh how lovely this place, To be with You/ To be with You/ Oh the brightness of Your face/ Here with You/ Here with You
--Can I Lie Here

Some explore the results of having God near:

Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss/ And my heart turns violently inside of my chest. I don't have time to maintain these regrets/ When I think about, the way../
That He loves us/ Oh, how He loves us...
--How He Loves

If the whole world could feel it/ If the whole world could feel it/ We could love/ We could love 'cause we are loved--We Are Loved

My hands are searching for You/ My arms are outstretched towards You/ I feel You on my fingertips/ My tongue dances behind my lips for You/ This fire rising through my being/ Burning, I'm not used to seeing You/ I'm alive/ I'm alive
--All Around Me

Some tell us how to bring God near:

Dance if you're wounded/ Dance if you're torn in two/ Dance if you're broken open/ Dance with nothing to lose/ Perfectly free/ Dance if you wanna be
-- Church Music-Dance[!]

The Veil tells of the One who came near in the flesh:

The love of angels becomes the love of men/ Oh, heavenly light takes on earth and skin/ What a Savior, what a King

The last song, In The End [O Resplendent Light!], speaks of being near to God throughout eternity:

In the end, in love our souls will rise/ All the nations, all the sides/ No fear in me for that dark place/ For I will be in His embrace

Church Music has powerful lyrics that work their way into your soul bringing the light of God's glory, love, and mercy. A more intimate group of songs may have never been written.

Musically, the album almost feels like one long song. There's not a lot of variation in rhythm and tempo, and one song just transitions into the next without ever stopping. David Crowder*Band has designed an entire album around a theme that leads the listener from Light to Light.

Hail Gladdening Light to O Resplendent Light.

The glory of the Beginning...
Son of our God, giver of life alone

to the glory of the end...
Our bodies die, but our souls will rise/ We were made to live forever


and Beautiful

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